Computer Added Teaching Learning Materials (T.L.M.)

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Post : Computer Added Teaching Learning Materials (T.L.M.)
Title : Computer Added Teaching Learning Materials (T.L.M.)

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Computer Added Teaching Learning Materials (T.L.M.)

Innovative Ideas About Teaching Learning Materials 

Information and communication technology is ready to play a creative and powerful in education 21st century. Use of Integrated computer technology is the innovative and emerging concept in modern education. Technological development is the main factor for changes in education system. Many governments are aware about the technology integration in education. As soon as we are able to make the whole education system e based and online, we have to replace several learning models and methodologies according to the need of future. In an integrated computer technological environment the teacher has to use quite different and modern teaching tools as teaching learning material (TLM) and the smart lesson plan for his preparation. Here we are talking about Teaching Learning Materials that may be used in an integrated computer technology classroom.

Smart Teaching Learning Materials for Computer Enabled Classrooms:

In a traditional classroom, teacher uses the traditional T.L.M. but in an Integrated computer technology enabled classroom he can use the traditional T.L.M. and he can use the e-based T.L.M. what is the computer technology enabled T.L.M.? The answer is simple. Those teaching learning materials use computer technology. They can be viewed on computers or can be displayed by projectors within the classrooms.  For example a teacher teaches geography in a class, he can use computer for showing the maps. In a smart class a teacher will find many innovative teaching learning materials like whiteboard, laptops, projectors and sound system for classroom presentation. In coming few years many schools and colleges are going to be smart and online. So it is clear that computers and internet will play a great role in teaching learning process.

Teaching Tools for Integrated Computer Technology Classrooms:

There are many innovative and useful teaching tools available for teachers. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are reaching in every sectors of life. ICT will be the more fascinating strategy for educational reforms and development in education. PowerPoint is being used by many teachers. There are several e tools available for teachers for teaching and learning. A lot of innovative work is going to be done. We will talk about many innovative ideas about teaching learning materials and teaching tools in next posts.

In this article these are my own ideas. What are your innovative ideas on this topic? Share your valuable ideas with this post. If you want to know more about this blog “Innovative Education”, please the page “About This Blog”. You can visit and like the Google Plus page “Innovative Education”to get the all links.

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