Post : Why Many Teachers Demotivated With School?
Title : Why Many Teachers Demotivated With School?
Why Many Teachers Demotivated With School?
Reasons Why Teachers Demotivated?

Meaning of demotivate:
Generally we mean demotivate make someone less eager to work or study.
Good motivation is a helping situation where teachers feel happy to do their work but demotivation affects their working capacity.Here we talk about the factors that make a teacher less eager to do a good work. We can say it 'making them not so much eager to innovate their ideas. When many teachers feel themselves not so energetic generally many people say that they have been demotivating now.
The Reasons of Demotivating The Teachers
There are many internal and external factors for motivation and demotivation of the teachers. When we want to find out the reasons of this we have to find out the answers of so many questions like 'in what situation teachers feel negative?' 'In What situation they feel happy and joyful?' It is really very important for school administration to know how to motivate the teachers to teach, how to motivate teachers to do their best work in teaching. Here we try to discuss a few demotivating factors.Lack of appreciation and praises
It is a common factor that everyone wants to be praised by others. When some people find that others are not praising their work, they got demotivated. Appreciation is also a great helping factors to motivate the students within the classrooms. The proper use of appreciation skill is a very supportive factor that determines the quality of work however.
Feeling the purpose of projects useless
There are a few teachers who started any particular project in a school like a different learning activity, student personal development program or any innovative activity; they stared it with a great joy but when the find its feedback not enough the got demotivated.The problems in teaching
Every teacher having his own way of teaching. Many students like the particular behavior with the teachers but when they do not find his behavior as they want they starts to neglect the particular class or the subjects of a particular teachers. So such a negative attitude of the students hearts the teacher and they demotivated.
In this situation teachers should analyze their way of teaching and also their behavioral aspects of their personality.Can teachers motivate the children
It is also a great factor when a teacher finds himself unable to motivate the children in classroom he demotivated. Generally many teachers like to become a such teacher liked by everyone. The failure of his motivational skill hearts him.The other junior and senior teachers can help in this situation very easily. Students motivated by so many factors like the way of talking the teachers, the skill of the teachers, the knowledge of the teachers and the way of tackle of the teachers. To enhancing the desired quality is a best way to solve the problems in many cases.
Bad policies demotivate employees
Sometimes there are few policies of any school are not suitable for the employees and they do not want to follow them but there is a discipline of the school so they have to follow them. In this situation they feel not to happy to do work in this situation and they got to demotivated.A Request: Motivation and demotivation is a wide topic to discuss. In this article these are my own ideas. I think there may be something to be add and something to edit. Please feel free to express your ideas and views on this topic. We will welcome your ideas and suggestions what you think on this article?
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