Post : Is internet changing our Education System?
Title : Is internet changing our Education System?
Is internet changing our Education System?
Is internet changing our Education System?
Since last few years we have been watching many changes in education and educational management system. We see that computer technology as well as internet revolution increased the speed of data and information very quickly. It became by the help of internet, online education management system and by e revolution. Hence we are discussing about internet education, education and internet and use of computers in education.
The impact of internet on education:

Now several information sends by e mail, online feeding or by another electronic medium. So transfer of data became easy, quicker and sometimes cheaper.
When we see such type changes in educational management system and find that it will be so usual, we have to think the another coming modifications in our education, Because technology changes several habits, trends and working system. In our society, use of internet is becoming very common by the mobile revolution. Now everyone puts internet in his pocket as a mobile phone. Internet is being more popular in villages also.
Mobile and androids brings a great innovation in internet revolution
Mobile companies are providing high speed internet services, so it became easier to be online. There are a lot of fully multimedia mobiles available in market at a very low prices. Android and tablets are now very easy to afford. These new generation devices have a wonderful e learning and online learning opportunities also. The next generation "digiclass" and "digischool" is not so far away.Several universities made their management system innovative with the help of internet. Now it is possible to study online or to attend a lecture of a reputed university at the home by the help of internet. Our schools are also being innovative. In several innovative schools; teachers have been using multimedia supported teaching learning system for many years. Now they may able to arrange online classes. Imagine if in a school of a distant and rural village, how wonderful it will be to take part an online two way class attends by the student. It will be more exciting if those students see tow way online video chatting first time in their life.
If online two way classroom teaching learning system is success; then there may be start another discuss about this way of teaching learning system. The discussion may be classified into two categories: first online teaching learning system in a classroom and second the online teaching learning system out of the school. It will decide the direction of internet based online education and internet based teaching system. However we have to search the positive, teacher friendly, student friendly and society friendly teaching learning systems and we have to modify our education as the changing time.
In this article about "Internet and our education system", the ideas expressed are my own. I would like to know your opinions on this topic. Thanks.
Anil Sahu
In this article about "Internet and our education system", the ideas expressed are my own. I would like to know your opinions on this topic. Thanks.
Anil Sahu

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