Post : Creative monitoring management in education: शिक्षा में रचनात्मक निगरानी प्रबंधन
Title : Creative monitoring management in education: शिक्षा में रचनात्मक निगरानी प्रबंधन
Creative monitoring management in education: शिक्षा में रचनात्मक निगरानी प्रबंधन
Creative monitoring management in education
Monitoring is the main task in education and educational management system. Monitoring is of different level at different Creative monitoring management in education. We need to do something innovative in School management systems. The modern education is going to be digital and online, so we have to review our school management system and student management system. So our monitoring management system will be modified according to the modern needs.
How to make monitoring something creative and innovative? How we can make school management system creative and innovative? How we can make monitoring as a quality monitoring? By adding some creative efforts we can make it more friendly and productive.
We will talk about monitoring management system in these categories:
Creative Monitoring Management for Schools:
Monitoring is an important task for schools. Different levels monitoring is done by different monitoring persons. “Schools for monitoring” or “Monitoring for schools” are the two questions which determine the creative directions of monitoring. We need to make it impressive, effective and creative.
Creative Monitoring Management in Classroom:
In a classroom we know about class monitors (Kaksha Nayak), who play a great role in classroom discipline. There should be a creative role of class monitors by using their creative leadership qualities. Teachers may use student’s leadership management qualities in creative monitoring management for students.
Creative Monitoring Management with Collaboration with Students:

शिक्षा में रचनात्मक निगरानी प्रबंधन
स्कूलों के लिए रचनात्मक निगरानी प्रबंधन:
निगरानी स्कूलों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है। विभिन्न स्तरों की निगरानी अलग अलग व्यक्तियों द्वारा की जाता है। "स्कूलों के लिए निरीक्षण " या " स्कूल निरीक्षण के लिए" दो सवाल है जो निरीक्षण की रचनात्मक दिशाओं का निर्धारण कर रहे हैं।
कक्षा में रचनात्मक निगरानी प्रबंधन:
एक कक्षा में कक्षा मॉनिटर्स (कक्षा नायक) की एक रचनात्मक भूमिका होना चाहिए । उनके रचनात्मक नेतृत्व के गुणों का उपयोग करके शिक्षक छात्र नेतृत्व प्रबंधन का रचनात्मक उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
छात्रों के साथ सहयोग के साथ रचनात्मक निगरानी प्रबंधन:
सहयोगात्मक तकनीकों का उपयोग कर हम एक अद्भुत परिवर्तन हमारे स्कूल और कक्षाओं में ला सकते हैं।
In this article these are my own ideas. What are your experiences? Please share with this blog. If you want to get my links, please like my Google plus page “Innovative education”. To know more please visit the page “About This Blog”.
That is the article of Creative monitoring management in education: शिक्षा में रचनात्मक निगरानी प्रबंधन
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Here Come New Ideas for Why Technology is Good Creative monitoring management in education: शिक्षा में रचनात्मक निगरानी प्रबंधन, I hope my article give you benefit to know Why Technology Is Good
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