New Opportunities in Education Sector

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New Opportunities in Education Sector

    Since we have been viewing the dream for a healthy, prosperous and peaceful mankind, it is relevant to talk about education. Why education is important for human welfare and prosperity? It is important because education has a power to change the society. So when we talk about the education and education system in future it is a significant discussion to talk about the new opportunities in education especially in modern or smart education. When e learning and online tools play a great role in education, many things will be changed according to the need of time. Let’s discuss about the new job opportunities and coming trends of jobs in education sector especially in school education sector.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Experts:
     In all around the world many countries are like to introduce information and communication technology in their schools. Many schools are using Information and communication technology in teaching. In these days ICT is a great tool for educators and hopefully it will be going to be used by the students in future. So there is a need of Information and communication technology experts or teachers for the schools. Information and communication technology has a great opportunities in teaching profession and online teaching job.  

Scope of Data Analysis and Data Entry Operating:

In present education sector is using online data feeding and online management techniques to make his working smart and faster. Education system needs data entry operators and data analysis expert professionals. Now the persons who are at a managerial or coordinators posts they need a skill of data analysis and data processing because the new system of education is going to be smarter, faster and online. Different new posts in education sector like Area Education Officer (A.E.O.) needs efficiency in computer operating and data analysis. It will be a need of high qualified and skilled professional with a good salary in education sector. 

Equipment and Learning Materials for Smart Classes:

     Smart Class  has a great potentiality in education sectors now a day's. Smart school and smart class is the modern innovation in education. A lot of funds will be going to invest by the schools to develop smart learning environments in schools. So it is a great opportunity for e learning industry and other educational materials suppliers to sell the educational products (Including Hardware and software).

Skilled Trainers for Schools:

     It is the time when our traditional education is going to be modified as smart education so there will be a need of skilled and qualified trainers for teacher training purpose. Demand of educational technology experts is going to be increased in future. Education technology will create new job opportunities in teaching profession. There is a mass awareness about Uses of education technology in schools.

E teachers and e-consultants:

      As we see some helplines run by some education boards during exam time for students to consult about their problems, in next few years we need some e teachers and e consultants for our student’s welfare and facilitating purpose. In modern time e teachers play a role of facilitator in learning. Technology provides accessibility of internet within each home, so it is not only a dream but a reality that e schools and educational boards will focus their attention on such facilities. It will need a qualified human power so it will provide a job opportunity for qualified and expert people.

Smart School Managers:

   It is a need of smart school managers to manage the schools in coming next generation e schools and smart schools. In private sector many schools want a manager who is an expert of managerial work as well as online school management. There are some innovative programs run by some universities on education technology and online education such as “Samarth Shikshak Online” by Atal Bihari Bajpayee Hindi Vishvavidyalaya, Bhopal M.P. Modern and innovative education will bring the smart job opportunities for smart teachers.

Web Designers and Web Developers in Education Sector:

     When websites will play a role in students learning and facilitating, there will be a need of web designers, programmers and web developers in education sectors to manage the websites. It will create new job opportunities for intelligent people and teachers. There is a huge scope in e-learning and online education. In modern smart schools teachers will need to develop various active and interactive e learning modules. they will need skilled, professionals and qualified teachers for this purpose. When our schools will adopt smart learning system, the entire teaching learning experiences will going to be changed. Schools will need various internet based teaching learning tools and methodologies. Many schools are running their own website for educational and advertisement purposes. They recruit the trained employee or take the help of professional persons.

  In this article about new opportunities in education sector, these are my own ideas. What do you think on this? Do you have any idea to make this post more useful? What do you think about innovative education, smart education and also about the scope of online education? Please share with this blog.

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