How to Use Student's Creativity for Better School Management? Creative Ideas for Teachers About Better School Management

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Post : How to Use Student's Creativity for Better School Management? Creative Ideas for Teachers About Better School Management
Title : How to Use Student's Creativity for Better School Management? Creative Ideas for Teachers About Better School Management

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How to Use Student's Creativity for Better School Management? Creative Ideas for Teachers About Better School Management

There are several types of techniques used by the school teachers for the best management. Here we are discussing about different type creative motivational and management tips and techniques for the school managers for the best school management within the schools. Students creativity should be encouraged in a proper direction and it is an art for a teacher how he or she uses student's creativity for the welfare of the school. What are the smart tips for teachers about the best school management?

How to use student’s creativity for better school management? 

Here we are discussing about the vital role of students and the opportunities to use student’s creativity and intelligence in school management. How to utilize the creativity of students for good school management is an innovative idea for innovative school managers. How to use different human resources for the welfare of a school and students? Let's talk about the use of students creativity and its uses.

The Human Resources for School Management:

In a school a teacher, a Head master or a school manager uses different type’s human resources to manage the school management. There many persons useful for school management like teachers, peons, pare teaching staffs, parents, members of school management committee and the president of school management committee and so many. The appropriate use of human resources is varying for the school to school. It depends upon so many factors as the number of staff members and the number of students.  A big school needs different type management skill and a small school needs quite different type management qualities.

Creative ideas for teachers for innovative school management

Types of school differentiate the managerial needs and skills for managing authorities. A primary school has different type needs and different level students while a middle school has different needs and different level of the students. It is a main factor for special training for different type of schools.
When we see a lot of persons who are useful and can play a great role in managing the school, so why we talk about the need of students in the best school management? The teachers who are very smart and active they know how to motivate the student to make a good discipline within the school.  Why some schools need to use creativity of students for a good management? What the roles of student’s creativity for the schools and school management system?

Actually a working team is essential to mange any organization or to accomplish any goal. There are different members responsible for different work or purposes. Similarly in a school there are different human resources as school manager, teachers and the students. When a school manager finds teachers are responsible, punctual, self disciplined and honest, his mostly tensions disappeared.

If a school manager gets a well disciplined and self motivated staff, his work becomes easy. But when a school manager did not find a suitable staff, his worries remain for himself. Sometimes his staff members are physically ill and they are unable to do their duty properly. In such situation a school manager has to do all things on his behalf. In such situation a school manager or a responsible teacher has to pay an extra attention on many things and in this situation he has to take the help of some students too.

When a school head master or a school manager finds such situation, he uses different type management strategies for managing the school. It is the cleverness of the management body to find out the best output within the limited resources.

How the students can assist the school or teachers? What are the Ideas for teachers to use the student’s creativity and activeness in classroom discipline and school management?

Generally it seems a childish idea, but in fact many teachers use this idea and they are able to make their work very easy. It is an innovative idea which uses student’s creativity and student’s co operation and find out the best result in school management as well as the best learning outputs.
Every teacher likes the best disciplined students. In a class there are many intelligent students who can facilitate the other students. A group learning methodology is very useful when teacher wants to minimize his efforts. The most intelligent students may become the class monitors and they will be able to monitor and assist the other students.

       In this article these are my own ideas. What do you think on this? I would like to hear you.

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