Post : Digital Presentation Ideas For Schools
Title : Digital Presentation Ideas For Schools
Digital Presentation Ideas For Schools

Digital Presentation Ideas for Schools
School website: A place on Internet
School website is a primary idea to make the place on internet among the millions of the other websites. Website or an URL is the digital identification on internet. Anyone who wants to know something about your school he can go on school website and can know much more about the school. A good school website may contain various pages or links to facilitate the viewer’s easily. “Contact us” or "About us" is the main page where viewers can contact to school administration or teachers. This is the page where you can add all necessary contact information like phone numbers, e-mail ID, postal address or the map of the place (How to reach here).
A good school website may be full with learning tools and other useful facilities like School Digital Library.
School website is a smart idea for smart school.
School blog: A place for students, teacher, parents and for others
Schoolblog and school websites are the innovative idea in 21st century to establish a brand or an image on internet. Blog is an easy and cheaper idea to make a place on internet. According school’s need there may be several types of blog in various designs like simple blog or dynamic blog. As like a website blogs can also publish all essential information about the school. Blogger, Word Press and many other sites provide a facility to create a blog in free.
Reasons why teachers should write blogs? There are many reasons to write blogs or schools blogs by teachers to represent your motive and views of the school.
Reasons why teachers should write blogs? There are many reasons to write blogs or schools blogs by teachers to represent your motive and views of the school.
School profile on Social Media
It is another cool way to get notifies the followers via social media. Face book, Google+, Twitter and so many social networking sites provide a facility to create a page for your institution in free. Google Plus page is a very good example for this. Groups and communities are the great way to connect the peoples in social media. Various popular institutions and schools are on Internet. Many bloggers have been writing blogs in regional language.
SMS Group for Teacher and Students
SMS group is also a cool idea for sharing any information for a vast majority. Various websites provide a facility to make a group on internet and sending short messages on their mobile by computers or by mobile phone. It is a good idea to send notification to parents, teachers and students by mobile phones.
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