Meditation and Yoga: Interesting fresh activities for schools

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Title : Meditation and Yoga: Interesting fresh activities for schools

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Meditation and Yoga: Interesting fresh activities for schools

       India has a prosperous history and experience of meditation. Now days we have been listening meditation and yoga everywhere. Now "Yoga" is in fashion. People feel that 'Yoga' is a wonderful activity and it is able to solve many physical and mental problems easily". Yes, they are right.

    Yoga is really a wonderful activity and sometimes it is very easy. We can do Yoga at our home without a huge management. In ancient India 'Yoga' was taught in gurukuls. Gurukuls were the learning centers in ancient India as schools. There was a unique learning system. The Indians discovered yoga and a lot of methods of meditations and they used these methods. By the time people forgot the old things and at now these old things have been using widely around the world.

        It is a good idea to introduce the students with yoga and meditation. In many schools there is special attention on yoga and meditation and teachers performs these activities like other activities of the school. There are many wonderful yoga activities which take only few minutes and give a lot of benefits. 

     "Surya Namaskar" is also a yoga activity which should be done in morning. It gives many advantages to our health. There is awareness in India about 'Surya Namaskar' and such easy and short yoga activities and many schools have been using it. Yoga is useful for everywhere and schools should introduce yoga to develop the body and soul. Short yoga methods are very interesting and refreshing too. Teachers can demonstrate the yoga to students, parents and the other teachers.

    A healthy mind lives in a healthy body and Yoga is very helpful to keep our body and mind healthy, powerful and fresh.
These are my own ideas. What do you think about 'Yoga'?

Anil Sahu

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