Reasons Why I Start A New Blog

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Post : Reasons Why I Start A New Blog
Title : Reasons Why I Start A New Blog

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Reasons Why I Start A New Blog

Blogging is a wonderful activity where we get a lot of excitement and a lot of to learn, a lot of to explore. Yes it is true that many people do not like blogging. Many people say that blogging is a time wasting activity. But it is true that it is an activity where we get a lot of things to learn. I also run 2 success blogs. I found many meaningful reasons to have a blog in Hindi. Here I want to say something about my second blog and the reasons why I make a new blog.

Many blogger suggest to make a single blog so that they can pay proper attention on that blog but there are many reasons where we need to run more than one blog. I run this educational blog "Education Today".I worked 2 years regular on my first blog Education Today than I devoted my time on my second blog < Hindi Blog:>. Here are the reasons behind this.

Divert of blogging interests

Many people having many interests. many people having many qualities, when they work in only one field they can not do their best in other fields.
I make my second blog in Hindi language for different types of posts like stories, motivational articles, relations etc. Now it is good for me to blog other than educational issues on my second blog. I have been feeling uneasy to write other posts on Education Today because the main theme of the blog.

Readers of other language

It is true that many bloggers prefer blogging in English but there are many friends and readers they want to read blog in Hindi. It is a different experience to blog in other language. We get new readers. It is also a reason why I start a blog in Hindi language.

Writing in own language

It is also a new experience in blogging in own language. We can use many local proverbs, local stories in our posts. Our friends and readers feel easy and comfortable in our own language. Many times we can use own language blog to say messages on local festivals and local occasions. 

New relations in blogging

Every language having its reader world and when we blog in that language, we have new connections too. Now I have many blog readers, I know them. When I blog in Hindi language my connections increased with Hindi Magazines, Hindi writers and the administrators of popular Hindi websites. It is great advantage for me.

New Readers on both blogs

When we optimized our blogs, we get new advantages too. Now I have new readers who want to read both blogs. Many readers comes on one blog and they get the link of second blog there and they visit the second one too.

This is the first post of my blogging experiences. I would like to publish the other posts too on this topic. Would you like to share your blogging experiences?

  1. Reasons why teachers should write blogs
  2. 8 Reasons to stop blogging for a period

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